New Life


Chu Xiaoye flicked his claws and hurriedly protected Maya. He bared his fangs, his muscles tensed, and his face was ferocious!

A round head suddenly popped out from the grass and a pair of amber eyes looked at him anxiously and worriedly.

It was Catherine!


Chu Xiaoye immediately roared angrily and stared at her fiercely, feeling a little embarrassed and angry.

He almost peed his pants!

If there was a bigger python, he really did not have the confidence to save Maya!

Catherine was stunned for a moment. Seeing that he was okay, she looked at the python that was dismembered beside her and hurriedly turned around to escape.

She had been following behind and hiding in the bushes in the distance.

However, she suddenly heard his roar and saw that the vegetation here was shaking and rocks were flying everywhere. She knew that something had happened, so she hurriedly ran over and prepared to help.