Brother Is Crazy

"Cuckoo! Cuckoo!"

The cry of vultures suddenly came from the sky.

A few vultures were circling above the grassland not far away, looking down at the ground with their sharp eyes.

They were searching for animal corpses.

In every corner of the grassland, many hungry carnivores were looking up and watching their movements closely.

Once they discovered their target and prepared to land, those hungry carnivores would chase after them.

Not only did vultures eat rotten meat, but they would also hunt small animals when they were hungry.

Chu Xiaoye looked up and immediately left with Little Curly Tail and Mei Mei.

They were too conspicuous while standing on the hill. If the vultures discovered them and gave a signal to the carnivores, it would be extremely dangerous here.

Maya had already eaten and would not need to go out to hunt for at least two more days. Hence, these two young cubs should be very safe.