Protecting Brother

The pain was already numb.

His claws were dripping with blood and he no longer felt anything.

However, he was still running with all his might.

The sun was roasting them like fire.

Chu Xiaoye was dizzy and had lost consciousness. His vision was also blurry.

However, his body was still running instinctively with Little Curly Tail on his back.

He staggered down the hill, ran out of the swamp, and ran across the grassland.

The arrow on its hind legs swayed.

The cub on his back swayed.

The world in front of him swayed.

Finally, when he approached the forest, he fell to the ground and could not stand up again.

He opened his mouth and panted heavily. His heavy eyelids gradually closed and he could not see anything.

He fainted.

Little Curly Tail fell from his back and crawled beside him, quietly looking at his mangled front limbs and feet.

There were no more claws.