The Thoughts of the Cold Father

Catherine did not sleep for the entire night.

The warthog on the tree also shivered for the night.

After dawn.

Little Curly Tail brought it down from the Baobab tree and made it continue to work.

The cold father left early in the morning to patrol the territory and pee at the borders of the territory, leaving scent marks.

This was his job and responsibility.

In this weather, scents dispersed very quickly.

Therefore, he had no choice but to walk around the border every few days and be busy.

Although it was tiring, it was better than having a wandering lion barge in and fight to the death.

The female lions hid in the shade and did not dare to move.

The weather was unbearable.

As for Chu Xiaoye and Little Curly Tail, they continued to collect the materials to make traps in the bushes at the back.

Mei Mei supervised the warthog's work. She was very bored and started to dig the soil with her claws.