The Lion's Battle


Chu Xiaoye could not tolerate it anymore and immediately roared at the distant grassland.

Not long after.

About seven to eight elephants rushed over under the lead of a female elephant.

When the leading female elephant saw the small elephant behind him, she immediately raised her nose and cried out angrily. She immediately rushed over aggressively.

Chu Xiaoye did not dare to provoke such a super tank in six godly suits.

He immediately turned around and ran into the distance.

To his surprise, the little elephant behind him immediately followed him and jogged.

As for the female elephant in the lead, she stared blankly at the little elephant that ran far away and did not chase after it.

It seemed that she was not the mother of this elephant.

And this elephant herd had nothing to do with this little elephant.

Chu Xiaoye immediately had a headache.