Battle of the Kings!


The lion's roar immediately sounded!

The battle started!

The two lions behind the black-maned lion bared their fangs and pounced ferociously.

Without waiting for Chu Xiaoye's orders, the Chino brothers had already roared and charged forward!

The four lions immediately fought intensely!

Chu Xiaoye stood in place without moving.

The black-haired lion also stood there and looked at him with a burning gaze, as if it was still sizing him up.

The three female lions were already impatient and roared at Chu Xiaoye repeatedly.

However, they did not dare to go forward.

The scene last night made them extremely afraid of this young lion.

The Chino brothers were soon no match for their opponents.

However, they still fought bravely and did not retreat.

They erupted with all their courage and strength. They ignored defense and only attacked ferociously!