Battle and Mutations

No one expected it.

This rain of blood continued for more than half a month.

At first.

None of the animals cared.

Because it often rained here.

However, when the rain did not stop for three days, the animals started to panic.

The grassland was covered in mud.

The water level of the river started to rise crazily and the river overflowed.

The grass on both sides of the river was submerged by the water.

The entire grassland was battered by the rain.

Be it herbivores or carnivores, they complained endlessly.

The continuous rain for ten days made Chu Xiaoye's territory by the river and the entire forest be drowned by the overflowing river water.

Standing in the bushes, almost all four legs sank into the water.

The herbivores had long disappeared.

Over the past few days, they could only catch fish in the water.