Escaping the Tiger's Mouth!

"Roar —"

The male tiger suddenly threw the female tiger to the ground and opened its mouth to bite.

The female tiger struggled with all her might and bit his thigh!

The male tiger was furious. He originally only wanted her to surrender and did not want her life. Seeing that she was still resisting stubbornly, his killing intent immediately rose and he bit her neck!


A golden light suddenly lit up behind his head!

The male tiger was experienced and immediately sensed danger. It hurriedly tilted its head to the side and wanted to roll out, but its thigh was bitten by the female tiger's teeth.

Chu Xiaoye's golden claw cut across his ear and cut off one of his ears!

In the splashing of blood, the male tiger suddenly roared angrily. The claw that was bitten by the female tiger yanked hard and actually pulled out of the female tiger's mouth.