The Little White Lion's Golden Claw


Chu Xiaoye jumped in pain and suddenly raised his hind leg. With a bang, he kicked the little white lion's face hard and almost kicked her off the rhinoceros' back.

Tilly was furious.

Chu Xiaoye turned around and was furious.

One's face hurt and one's butt hurt as they both glared!

At this moment, the situation on the icy plain could be seen clearly.

The mixed fur lion king and the others were surrounded by a group of lions. They bared their teeth and roared, looking ready to fight.

The pride consisted of about ten members, all of whom had brown fur and were slightly small.

Only that lion king was about the size of a mixed fur lion king.

At this moment, he was roaring at the mixed fur lion king, as if he was comparing whose voice was louder. However, neither of them attacked easily.

Catherine stood at the back with a calm expression, keeping a low profile like a transparent lion.