The Powerful Black Lion


The battle started!

Chu Xiaoye brought six lions and surrounded the big tree where the pride of the cold father was hiding. They formed a circle to guard against the sneak attacks from behind these black lions.

The main attack of these black lions was the brothers, Jerry.

The Jerry brothers looked taller and more ferocious, so at the beginning, the two brothers attracted the most firepower.

The black lion pounced at them together.

Only two black lions were pouncing on Chu Xiaoye.

Chu Xiaoye knew in his heart that these black lions were definitely not the brothers' match. However, there were too many enemies. With the brothers' huge bodies, they would suffer more attacks.

Two fists could not defeat four hands, let alone claws and sharp teeth!

Therefore, Chu Xiaoye decided to lure a portion of the black lions away. This way, the pressure on the six lions would immediately decrease a lot.