Unity of Will

No one dared to look up at him again.

The restless fire seed was extinguished by the blood before it could burn.

The death of the six lions was like a heavy hammer that smashed their hearts that were preparing to roar from the crowd. It also smashed awake their fear and respect for the strong.

They woke up with a start, lowered their heads, and crawled on the ground to express their submission.

To be able to kill all six strong lions in the blink of an eye, even the one-eyed lion king they had always followed could not do so.

Therefore, this young king was indeed qualified and strong to become their true king.

They were willing to bow down to him!

Chu Xiaoye put away his claws and did not look at the corpses of the six lions again.

He walked in front of the one-eyed lion king and told him that this team was still led by him and his pride. They only had to listen to his orders.

He was a king, not a general.