The dignity of the Cold Father

Two days later.

The entire team finally settled down in this new land.

Just like in the past.

A lioness nurtured her offspring and a lion patrolled the territory.

Occasionally, there would be some friction between prides. They would rely on the rules of the prides and use the decisive battle of lions to determine the victor.

However, they knew their limits and would not fight to the death.

The battle of prides was the product of nature's survival of the fittest. It had been like this since ancient times. Therefore, this friction could not be avoided.

Furthermore, Chu Xiaoye could also choose outstanding warriors from among them.

Therefore, he did not interfere and let nature take its course.

This new land was like a newly established kingdom, and it was divided into many big and small complicated forces. If he wanted to manage it one by one, he would definitely be exhausted.