The Lioness' Performance


Chu Xiaoye swung his claws and collided heavily with the black lion's claws.

A huge force suddenly attacked!

Chu Xiaoye's body trembled and he took a few steps back with a whoosh. He felt his feet go numb.

The black lion had just landed on the ground when it pounced forward again. Its ferocious and ferocious face was like a demon in the night.

His movements were silent but exceptionally fierce.


Chu Xiaoye immediately roared angrily and went forward.

The other party did not dare to roar. He was different. This was his territory!

A loud roar spread in the quiet night and instantly spread throughout the entire territory.

The female lion at the side was shocked. She hesitated for a moment and immediately turned around to run into the territory.

Chu Xiaoye looked at her back and was a little surprised.