The Old King

Breakfast was sumptuous.

The five gazelles were eaten clean.

The Belita sisters were also lucky to have a few pieces. They lay on the tree and ate with relish.

Chu Xiaoye felt a little strange.

If it was in the past, the cold father would definitely be very angry when he saw leopards snatching food, even if it was his friend.

But now, the cold father seemed to be very willing to share his prey with the leopard sisters.

Chu Xiaoye's appetite grew.

Almost an entire gazelle entered his stomach, but there was no sign of it being stuffed.

He digested it very quickly, turning it into energy and trash that were stored in his body.

He felt full of farts.

However, he endured for a moment and disappeared again.

He could release it as he pleased.

Of course, now was not the time.

Everyone was full and resting in the shade.

Mei Mei was beside Maya, playing with Nunu and Qiqi with a bone with a trace of flesh.