The Changes of the Cold Father


The cold father's roar sounded helplessly.

Chu Xiaoye brought the pride and walked towards the distant river, not looking back at him.

The cold father stood there alone. His initial anger gradually calmed down.

He turned around and walked in front of the lions, continuing to lead them to hunt on the grassland.

The evening sun was blooming with its last light on the horizon, dying half the sky red and leaving behind the most beautiful color.

The river was sparkling.

Chu Xiaoye stood by the river, drinking water as he thought about the migration of the pride.

In this situation, it seemed that they could not migrate for the time being.

If the cold father was unwilling to leave, the female lions would probably not leave either.

When they finished drinking and walked up the hill, many herbivores came to the river in groups and prepared to drink water.