Although the Lion King is Old


A silver light suddenly lit up in the night!

When the black lion leader walked to the middle of the bushes, a figure suddenly jumped down from a big tree beside him and shot towards him at lightning speed!

Catherine's silver claws flickered with a cold light in the night, like two curved blades made of refined iron. With a whoosh, she slashed at the head of the black lion leader!


Before her claws could land, a black lion beside the black lion leader suddenly jumped up and sent her flying with a bang!

Catherine fell to the ground in a sorry state. Before the other black lions could surround her, she immediately jumped up and climbed up another tree at the side.

The black lion leader did not look at her and continued forward.

He had just taken a few steps when a long tail suddenly jumped out from the grass beside him. With a whoosh, it swept over!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"