The Rebel Tilly


Chu Xiaoye deliberately made way.

Tilly was caught off guard and fell to the ground. Soon, she got up again and leaned on Catherine. She continued to grin and show a love-struck expression.

Catherine stood there motionless, like a stone sculpture.

The tense atmosphere of the two teams seemed to have eased a little under this small interlude.

The golden-haired lion king, Haas, was polite and did not get any response from Chu Xiaoye.

However, he did not seem to be angry. He still looked friendly and mighty as he expressed his intentions in a friendly manner.

He hoped to bring his team to camp outside this border and build a new territory that bordered Chu Xiaoye's territory.

"In this way, if those black lions attack, we can work together to kill the enemy. Furthermore, we can be the vanguard."

Haas looked at Chu Xiaoye sincerely, hoping to get his permission.