
"Whoosh —"

The smell was blown away by the wind and drifted into the distance.

Chu Xiaoye turned around and looked at the group of giant water buffaloes outside the bushes. He thought for a moment and decided to forget it. It was too risky.

If they completely angered this group of giant water buffaloes, they would risk everything and destroy indiscriminately. If they all rushed into this forest, they would be doomed.

With the other party's current size, strength, and huge numbers, the bushes and trees here would probably be flattened.

At that time, the pride would have nowhere to hide or jump. They could only escape from this place. Those who were slow, such as the pit, Little Mi, Qiqi, and Nunu, would be trampled into meat paste by those terrifying iron hooves.

It was better to wait patiently and plan slowly.

"It's so smelly…"