
After dark.

The vultures in the sky dispersed one after another.

The jackals and wandering lions on the ground also fled in fear.

The death of the hyenas made these predators, who had been at the border of life and death for many years, understand that this sumptuous meal was not delicious.

The purpose of eating was to survive.

If they ate and then died, what was the point?

The atmosphere in the bushes was strange.

The members of the pride were all stunned in place, looking at the grassland in a daze.

Even the playful Little Curly Tail was squatting there motionless.

At this moment, even if Chu Xiaoye ordered them to dig out the water buffaloes and eat them, they did not dare to go.

They already had a fear of water buffaloes.

The little girl, who was sitting on the tree, was still eating the numb and fragrant beef jerky with relish, as if she was not afraid of the water buffaloes at all.