
Wolves were very patient animals.

Furthermore, he was absolutely obedient to the leader of the tribe.

Therefore, even if they had already realized this young lion's trick, they could only make mistakes and continue to stay here and surround this tree.

The alpha wolf felt extremely humiliated and was furious.

He knew that it was too late to return to find those prey.

He could only continue to guard the despicable lion on the tree and wait for it to fall down from exhaustion. Then, he could take revenge and fill his stomach.

His always prideful intelligence had been mercilessly crushed and he was completely flustered.

The entire wild deer quickly entered Chu Xiaoye and Catherine's stomachs.

Bloody internal organs and remaining bones were still hanging on the tree.

The wolves under the tree had already drooled for 3,000 feet and their necks were already a little stiff.