
It was a little strange.

The super huge tree was adjacent to the river and was surrounded by lush bushes. Not only were there all sorts of trees and grass in the bushes, there were also all sorts of colorful fruits and fruits.

Normally, such an environment would attract many carnivores to set up camp here as their territory.

However, Chu Xiaoye brought the pride and walked all the way, but he did not see any ferocious beasts coming to chase them away, nor did he smell the border marking that was filled with a pungent smell.

Could it be that this grassland was still ownerless?

That should not be the case.

Be it grass, fruits, or water sources, they could attract many herbivores to look for food and drink water.

Such a good environment had always been a place every carnivore tribe had to fight for. However, why was this place cold and empty? They only saw herbivores hunting in groups of two or three, but no carnivores?