

Water splashed in the night.

Chu Xiaoye jumped into the river and immediately crawled into the bottom.

The dark river bottom was exceptionally clear in his flickering golden eyes.

Soon, he discovered a figure at the bottom of the river.

At this moment, Alisa was rolling at the bottom of the river with all her might, causing the mud to fly and become muddy. She looked like she was in great pain.

Chu Xiaoye was shocked and immediately swam over.

Sensing the abnormality of the water, Alisa, who was rolling in the mud, immediately jumped up and bared her sharp fangs. She looked over with red eyes, looking rather ferocious.

However, when she saw that it was Chu Xiaoye, she was first stunned. Then, she slowly put away her fangs. Her red eyes were exceptionally dark and her abdomen was heaving violently. She did not look like she was in pain but was extremely excited.