The Indisputable King!


The urine landed and the border was formed.

A new territory was finally born!

The cold father raised his head and stuck out his chest. He continued to mark the territory excitedly and solemnly with his pungent urine.

With the river beside the super huge tree as the starting point, there was a distance of about 6 kilometers from here to the end.

The territory was not big.

However, this was enough for Chu Xiaoye's pride.

The wider the territory, the greater the danger.

Furthermore, every patrol and marking of the territory was an extremely tiring and dangerous task.

The grass was lush here, bushes were gathered, and food and resources were abundant. There were foraging herbivores everywhere, and it was enough for them to survive for the time being.

As a newcomer, he naturally had to stand firm and develop slowly. He could not be impatient.