Climbing On The Giant Tree

A week later.

The wounds on Mei Mei and Molly finally healed completely.

Just as the little girl had said, after the big black bear slept, it immediately became lively the next day. It was alive and kicking. The half of its face and head that had collapsed had almost no signs of recovery.

This was magical. To an animal without any treatment.

Chu Xiaoye observed this strange and magical human-bear combination silently as he led Little Curly Tail and the others to fight around the territory.

After a short week, the neighbors on the surrounding grassland knew of the existence of their pride and admitted that they had indisputable sovereignty over this territory.

Of course, there would inevitably be some friction and unhappiness during this period.

Chu Xiaoye's solution was very simple. He flashed his golden claws and cut off his head.