The Cold Father's Madness

Another three days passed.

Hunger and fear, frustration and despair spread throughout the entire cave and the hearts of every member.

His only rationality and pride were utterly defeated.

The smell of food came from outside.

They had never felt that this smell was so sweet and tempting, even when food was most scarce in the past.

It was time to make a decision.

Instead of hiding in this dark cave and starving to death, it was better to rush out and fight the enemy. Perhaps there was a chance of survival.

Even if he risked his life, he would die worthy.

It was better to sacrifice bravely in battle than to starve to death in cowardice, right?

The cold father was the first to be unable to tolerate it. His eyes were red as he roared angrily. He pushed Little Curly Tail away fiercely and rushed out crazily.