Beast Empire!

Half a month later.

The snow was still snow. The bushes were covered in silver and snow.

On the grassland, there was a thick layer of snow. Walking on it, half of his legs would sink in.

This extraordinary weather made many animals unable to sleep at night.

However, the grass was still lush and there was still plenty of food.

Herbivores would not starve, and carnivores would not.

The pride lived here peacefully and freely.

The threat above him had already been resolved.

The strange vine never appeared again, and the winged dragons living on it never came down. They seemed to disdain the animals on the grassland and under the tree.

The pride was safe here.

Therefore, Chu Xiaoye should leave.

Before leaving, he solemnly handed the entire pride to Little Curly Tail, who was becoming more and more like a king.

There was no reluctance.

On a certain night, he took the opportunity to pee and left quietly.