The Battle Between the Lion King and the Queen

Annie wanted to beg for mercy.

However, she knew that she was not qualified.

Furthermore, she was in a shocked and confused state.

The true Princess Annie did not betray the elves. Instead, she sacrificed heroically in the snow forest outside and in the battle with the orcs.

Then, why did they summon her here?

Everything he said to her previously was a lie.

She suddenly gathered her courage and begged the Elven Princess who had just become a new queen in front of her, "Your Majesty, can you let us go? I promise that I will never bring them into the Elven Kingdom again."

Lanisi turned her head to look at her, but her blue eyes became gentle.

"Annie, this is your home."

She said softly, like an older sister comforting her younger sister.

Annie looked at her in a daze, not understanding.