No! Your Majesty! I Don't Dare!

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Chu Xiaoye was practicing his sword skills in the canyon, and Queen Lanisi was personally guiding him.

The night gradually retreated.

The orcs on the other side of the cliff were still excited.

Chu Xiaoye waved the broken soul in his hand, as if he had already forgotten the time or how he was once a lion that was on all fours. His movements became more and more agile and his movements became more and more proficient.

Finally, the sun peeked out from the eastern sky.

A ray of sunlight shone down.

Chu Xiaoye's sword did not stop.

Lanisi looked up at the sun and then at him with surprise.

Then, this surprise grew stronger.

Annie, who was standing not far away, gradually widened her eyes.

It was dawn, but he was still an elf.

Could it be that he could control his transformation as he pleased so quickly?

Chu Xiaoye finally stopped.