Sword Competition

On the hill.

The moon was bright and the stars filled the sky.

Chu Xiaoye sat behind the rock and slept while leaning against the wall.

He was indeed tired these few days.

Although he did not run up and down like those elven soldiers, his brainpower was exhausted. Furthermore, because transforming consumed energy, he suddenly felt very tired tonight. He leaned here and unconsciously closed his eyes.

Catherine lay quietly beside him and protected him silently.

Denise also stood beside him, slender and motionless like a sculpture. Her silver waterfall-like hair swayed slightly in the night wind, and her blue eyes were as calm and beautiful as the night sky.

Catherine looked at her coldly.

The little lioness could not understand why this silver-haired fairy wanted to follow her king.

"Is he asleep?"

Princess Annie walked over and asked softly.

Denise nodded slightly.