Please Love Us!

"I'm a lion, and I'll take revenge!"

The moment he was suddenly pierced from behind, he had already sentenced this boy to death.

Even if he did not do it himself, Catherine would do it for him.

Therefore, from the beginning, he had never thought of letting this boy go.

Prince? The Queen's brother? Sorry, he did not recognize this.

He only knew that there was only one path for those who wanted his life—death.

The room was terrifyingly quiet.

No one would have thought that he would suddenly kill him despite saying that he had forgiven him.

Lanisi froze in place, as if she was petrified.

Annie stood at the door with a complicated gaze.

She knew that this young man would not let the matter rest, but she did not expect him to suddenly attack in front of them. Furthermore, it was the dagger he took from the queen's waist when he hugged her.