Long Live the Queen!

At midnight.

The setting sun closed. It was quiet and dark, as if no one was standing guard.

However, Chu Xiaoye could clearly see the soldiers waiting above through the night.

Mocaton was not here. Clearly, he had gone back to heal.

Under the cover of the night, Carter approached quickly with the army.

When the soldiers above discovered the military situation and let out the alarm, Carter ordered the entire army to attack and surge towards the tall city like a tide.

At the same time, thunderous roars sounded in unison in the vast orc army. "Mocaton has betrayed the country and joined the enemy. He has already fled!"

"Those who open the city gate and surrender can be pardoned!"

"Whoever dares to resist will be implicated!"

The Carter army shouted in unison as they attacked the city ferociously.

A loud and thunderous roar spread throughout the entire Sunset Pass in the quiet night.