Alisha's Change

The next day.

Carter brought away the six thousand troops of Black Water City and left two thousand behind to maintain the order of Black Water City.

However, the leaders of the two thousand soldiers were replaced with Carter's men.

Under Carter's lead, the twenty thousand-man army charged towards the next city majestically.

However, before they could approach, the city was already empty.

The City Lord had long rushed to the capital with thousands of soldiers. No one knew if he had obeyed the king's orders or if he was colluding with Lusni.

Carter brought the army and did not stop in this empty city. She passed through the empty city and continued forward.

When they arrived at the next city, Domino City, the young city lord, Camodo, came out with five thousand troops to welcome them.

The Danota family still had many loyal subjects.

The young Camodo was one of them.