River Qinhuai

The journey was very smooth.

Under the escort of the Dragon Might Escort, be it encountering checkpoints or officials on the way, they successfully passed them without even needing to check.

The news of Chu Xiaoye and the others killing people in the border town did not arrive.

No one knew if the army there found it embarrassing, or if they were afraid of losing their official hat, or if it was for other reasons. Such a big matter seemed to be quietly suppressed.

Ten days later, they finally entered the Suhang territory.

The news of Qin Zhitan returning had long been sent to the Qin Manor.

Therefore, when they arrived at the five-kilometer pavilion outside Suhang City, Qin Zhitan's second son, Qin Yu, had long waited here with the servants of the Qin family.