

A gunshot suddenly came from afar. In the quiet night, it was exceptionally clear.

This gunshot seemed to have landed in Chu Xiaoye's heart, causing his entire body to tremble.

He had not heard this sound for a long time and almost forgot these terrifying weapons that could kill all animals.

Humans came to the grassland.

The animals on the grassland had only two choices.

He continued to stay here, waiting for the sudden gunshots and death one day.

Or migrate away to a place further away from humans.

However, this world did not exist.

This gunshot woke Chu Xiaoye up.

If the pride stayed here, they might be killed by humans with guns on that day.

He wanted to save the cold father and Mei Mei, but he could not risk it on the other members of the pride.

The sky in the east gradually turned white.

No one slept that night.