
Thunderous roars and dust flew!

The two ferocious beasts were extremely strong. After fighting for dozens of minutes, the lion lost.

Although lions were fierce and strong, ferocious tigers were more agile and cunning.

In the end, the lion's spine was bitten off by the colorful tiger and it fell to the ground. Then, it was bitten to death.

Although the ferocious tiger won, it was also covered in wounds.

Before it could rest, the iron bars opened and a strong rhinoceros rushed out with a murderous aura.

Just as the ferocious tiger reacted, it was sent flying by the furious rhinoceros with a bang and fell heavily seven to eight meters away.

The rhinoceros rushed up again!

The colorful tiger had just got up from the ground when the sharp rhinoceros horn suddenly pierced into its neck!

The rhinoceros raised its head and fixed it on its head, starting to run crazily in the field.