Doctor Bai, Why Are You Here?

"Oh my god, who's the girl who just walked past? Isn't she too elegant? Just like a goddess!"

"That's right, she's so beautiful. Speaking of which, I hadn't expected Bai Yinyin, who appears to be pure, would wear a sexy lace bra underneath. Tsk."


The surrounding discussion caused the embarrassed Bai Yinyin to stomp her foot in anger.

Why did her uniform tear for no reason? It must have been because of Bai Chuwei that b*tch, but she had no evidence of her committing the act and could only reign in her anger.


After entering the campus, Bai Chuwei went to the Year 3 head teacher's office by following the directions.

Henghua Secondary School was spread across an extremely large area and the interior was also beautiful, with several small gardens. The fragrance of those flowers lingered all around the school.

Bai Chuwei shook her head and sighed as she recalled that this land had been a random burial place several hundred years ago.

Upon entering the office, she saw a bespectacled middle-aged man seated before his desk while preparing the lesson materials.

"Good morning Teacher Zhou."

Zhou Feng looked up and traces of astonishment flashed through his eyes when he met with Bai Chuwei's gaze. Nonetheless, he calmed down soon after and furrowed his brows when he opened the register. "You must be Bai Chuwei?"

"I heard that you insisted on entering Year 3 Class 9. Thank you very much for liking my class, but Class 9 students have to undergo a great deal of stress as tests happen rather frequently here. Perhaps you will suffer a lot in terms of studies." Zhou Feng tactfully advised her.

He reckoned that a student who was forcefully squeezed in by the old man of Bai Family was probably not someone who had outstanding results.

Bai Chuwei smiled and responded in a pleasant tone. "Teacher Zhou, there's no need to worry about me. My purpose of attending school is not for my studies."

Zhou Feng, "???"


He almost thought that his ears had malfunctioned!

If it's not to study, then it's because of… someone?

Duan Xingye and Xu Xingchen of Class 9 were popular figures in Henghua Secondary School and all the girls were fond of them.

Instantly, Zhou Feng's impression of Bai Chuwei went spiralling down.

However, that was none of his business but Zhou Feng secretly felt that he had received a troublesome student. He then stood up with a grim expression and walked towards the classroom while asking Bai Chuwei to follow behind.

Bai Chuwei spoke up, "Teacher Zhou."

Zhou Feng furrowed his brows and gave a reminder. "Student Bai, even though you're not here to focus on your studies, you cannot disturb the other students. Otherwise, I can only invite you to leave the class."

Bai Chuwei shook her head with a smile and said bluntly, "That's not it. Teacher Zhou, I wanted to say that you're sick. You're sick in the head."

Zhou Feng had been angered to the extent that he smiled in fury. "Student Bai, why are you cursing me?"

Were all students like this nowadays? They did not respect teachers in the slightest and even wished them to be sick?

Moreover, did Bai Chuwei think that she had X-ray eyes?

What nonsense!

Zhou Feng was extremely furious and said, "Student Bai, it doesn't matter if you came to Class 9 not for your studies but to chase boys, you…"

Bai Chuwei shrugged her shoulders and interrupted him. "Have you been staying up late at night and smoking frequently in recent days? In addition, are you experiencing recurring headaches? Are there times when you are unable to speak clearly? Also, do you feel like your vision has been declining?"

It did not matter if he did not believe her, as he would come begging when something happened in the future.

Zhou Feng stiffened imperceptibly. She had… she had hit the mark. He was a teacher of Year 3 students and his sleeping time was no more than the students as he would often stay up late to create lesson materials or grade test papers. As a result, he did not pay much attention to his health.

"Teacher Zhou, I'll wait for you to find me." Bai Chuwei revealed a meaningful smile.

Just as Zhou Feng wanted to say something, a young man ran up behind him. "Teacher Zhou, I wish to apply for leave these few days, I…?"

The student suddenly stopped speaking. His magnetic voice suddenly became ecstatic as he said the next words, "Doctor Bai, why are you here?"