Taking A Mile When Given An Inch

Duan Xingye felt indignant. "Uncle, I only wanted to know a bit more about Doctor Bai."

When did he become talkative? He spoke the same as always and had never heard his Fourth Uncle bringing this issue up, ever before.

Towards the silly male cannon fodder, who was nearing his deathbed, Bai Chuwei felt a bit more lenient and smiled as she answered. "We are deskmates. There's no need to call me Doctor Bai. You can call me by my name."

Duan Xingye did not even have the slightest hint of hesitation and immediately called out. "Weiwei!"

Duan Feihan's eyes darkened visibly.

Bai Chu Wei: … Wow, he's good at taking a mile when given an inch.

Weiwei? Everyone else was fearful of her and called her ancestor out of respect. Who in the world would dare to directly address her by her name?

However, many years ago, there was someone who used to scream his lungs out, calling her name as well. However, that never happened again in the future.