Chapter 089: Duan Feihan Doesn't Seem Like an Ordinary Person

You should know that in the original text, Duan Feihan, the villain, was simply a tool; the author never depicted him having a partner.

So, Ancestor Weiwei was quite curious about who the girl in his dreams was, faintly feeling that the girl's silhouette seemed familiar.

Bai Chuwei was always a doer, and upon thinking this, she acted accordingly.

She walked tiptoeing quietly, moving stealthily behind the two of them and peeping over their shoulders.

Before Bai Chuwei could make out the face of the girl in Duan Feihan's dream, a cold wind blew through the dream, jolting her awake, her eyes fixed intently on the snowy white ceiling.

By her side, Xue Qiu started squeaking, 'Ancestor, how come you woke up so soon?'

Bai Chuwei sat up in bed, her dark hair flowing loosely, her gaze suddenly filled with doubt.

She had lived a solitary life for over five thousand years. Without any exaggeration, billions of people around the world would respectfully address her as Ancestor.