I'm the Only One Who Can Say It, Who Are You To Say It?

The few of them turned to look at Mo Nianchen in unison. They could not help but wonder if it was because he had finally won Li Shengxia's heart that he was feeling depressed about his own lack of sex?

This thought made a few people shiver.

At that moment, Mo Nianchen suddenly appeared between them. He held a bottle of wine in one hand, and his face seemed to be flushed from the alcohol.

"What are you talking about?"

The few of them were so frightened that they immediately fell silent.

" I'm just thinking," Superintendent Ouyang said." Shengxia has officially debuted today. Should I invite her to a celebratory banquet?""

" Celebration my ass!" Mo Nianchen was instantly enraged. As if he had just thought of something, he roared in embarrassment," You bastards! Didn't I tell you not to help her? Why are you helping her?!""

The few of them turned pale, thinking, If I don't help, I'll probably be scolded, right?