Speak for Her

It was not as if Li Shengxia could not hear them, but she was used to rumors and gossip everywhere and did not want to argue with them.

Ling Yarang saw her and wanted to say something but stopped.

Li Shengxia pretended not to see him and was about to leave. Actually, just like how Ling Ya had lied to her, she had many things to hide from him. We can only say that we're both in the same boat

At that moment, Li Shengxia's folder was suddenly knocked open by a passerby. The documents inside were scattered all over the floor. Many people looked over, but no one came forward to help.

When Ling Yarang saw this, she put down her things and helped Li Shengxia pick up the documents that had fallen to the ground page by page.

"I can do it myself!" Li Shengxia said as she picked up the dropped documents.

"Shengxia…" Ling Yarang suddenly grabbed Li Shengxia's wrist.