Desperate Young Lady, Who Would Wade Into Muddy Waters for You!

Li Shengxia dropped to her knees in a daze.

She couldn't forget what stupid thing she had just done. He was injured in order to protect her, but she pushed him away without even looking at him!

That was why he looked at her coldly. He looked at her bitterly as if he could tear her into pieces. He would rather fall than have her touch him.

Why did he do this?

Why did he risk everything to save her?

She was just his toy. Why would he get hurt for her?

Why was he looking at her with such a resentful gaze?

He looked at her as if she was tearing his heart apart.

He looked at her as if he could never forgive her.

The scene was in chaos.

Ling Tian and Cheng Zheng were in charge of investigating the scene. As long as anyone present carried dangerous items, they would definitely not be able to escape this kind of inspection.

The scene had been sealed off, and it was only a matter of time before the murderer was found.