Does She Care About His Past?

Li Shengxia returned to the Mo family home after she left the cafe.

She had been holding onto the gown the entire way.

She returned to her room and looked at the gown. After thinking about it, she finally changed into it.

She looked like a brand new person in the mirror.

The quality and workmanship of the gown were superb, just like Mo Nianchen's taste. Moreover, this gown fit her so well, as if it was tailor-made for her.

Knock, knock, knock.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Li Shengxia was taken aback." Wait a minute…"

She hurriedly ran over to lock the door, but she accidentally fell to the ground halfway.

At the same time, Mo Nianchen opened the door and saw her sprawled on the floor.

The straps of her black gown slid down to her arms, and the scenery below her collarbone was faintly discernible.

The hem of the gown slid up, revealing her slender breasts.