How Many Times Have You Deceived Me For Him?

A few days later, in the morning.

Mo Nianchen had said that they would go get the photos together after work today. She was still looking forward to what the album would look like. Which room should the photo frame be hung in, which part of the room…

Such a mood filled her with anticipation for today.

Li Shengxia walked into the company and greeted many people along the way. However, all the colleagues looked at her strangely and pointed at her, not knowing what they were talking about.

Li Shengxia walked toward her office, feeling a little strange.

She pushed the door open and entered the office. Pianpian looked at her strangely. Tan Qing sat upright as if he was busy, but Li Shengxia could tell that he was not in a good state of mind.

What exactly happened?

Why did she feel that the atmosphere was strange?

Li Shengxia walked to her seat and sat down.