Don't Tell Me You Didn't Do Anything

He moved closer to her and picked her up from the ground. She was very light, as light as a cloud. There was no weight in his arms, and he didn't seem to feel her in his arms.

He carried her all the way to the sofa, placed her on the sofa, and covered her with his clothes.

She did not wake up from her sleep.

Sometimes, he really wanted to ask, was it because she had no sense of danger, or did she subconsciously believe that he would not hurt her?

If it was the former, how could he trust her? If it was the latter, how could he give up on her?

"I'm going back tomorrow, and I'll be back to an ambiguous relationship. Perhaps I won't have the chance to spend a night with you again. But Xiaxia, am I sick? I thought that if I had such a chance, I would do everything possible to get you so that you could not leave me. But I actually, actually don't even have the courage to hug you…"