Do You Want to Accept Him??

She wanted to apologize to him, but when he looked into her eyes, his expression was so firm. It was as if her apology would destroy all his confidence…

She couldn't say it.

However, she had to…He had to say it.

"I... Yes... No…"

"Summer!"Situ Ye suddenly interrupted her." I'm guessing that something must have happened when you were on a business trip with the tutor a few days ago. Perhaps he confessed to you, but you didn't accept him, right?"

Li Shengxia nodded subconsciously. She did not expect Situ Ye to have such a high EQ. He looked innocent, but he was able to guess her right away.

Because her thoughts were written all over her face, he couldn't ignore it even if he wanted to. As a result, all his plans were disrupted.

"Although you didn't accept him, your mind is filled with thoughts about him, right?"

"I'm sorry…"