She Was Rejected

"Chen Chen…Don't you want me? Are you not interested in me…"

"No." "It's just not the right time. Let's talk about it after my legs recover," said Mo Nianchen.

"But…Chen Chen..."

"I heard that there's a very good movie. Let's watch it together."As he spoke, Mo Nianchen was already heading out of the hall.

".."Wu Xia felt like crying and laughing for some reason. She had been rejected!?

Which normal man would reject a woman after hearing such words? Was she that unattractive?

Wu Xia's heart was in a mess. Helplessly, he put on his clothes and followed Mo Nianchen to the living room to watch television.

This was completely different from what she had expected!

By the time Mo Nianchen pushed the wheelchair to the living room, the courtyard was already pitch black.

There were also people setting off fireworks in the distance, but they were not her…

He could not help but shudder when he realized that Li Shengxia was the one who flashed across his mind.