Couldn't Wait for His Call

Lemon pouted." I think Daddy left Mommy behind and went to Y City. Is it because we're too proud that he left?""

" Don't think too much," Yi Chen said calmly." They just reconciled." Maybe he went to prepare a surprise."

"What surprise?"

"I don't know either."


"Go to bed early, Lemon. If you keep thinking so much, you'll get wrinkles easily."

"I'm only five years old! The wrinkles are at least 30 years away from me!"


On the other side. Li Shengxia could not sleep well in her room.

She wanted to send Mo Nianchen a message, but she remembered that he couldn't turn on his phone once he boarded the plane, so she held back.

The flight from A City to Y City took more than 20 hours.

Even a plane would take that long to travel from one country to another.

There was half a world between him and her. They had just separated, but she missed him so much.
