Is It Her?

Tears fell silently from the corner of her eyes and seeped into the pillow without leaving a trace.

The next day.

" Ah!" Han Jinchu screamed and opened his eyes.

The sudden coldness woke her up from her sleep. Her face was covered in water, and her pillow and blanket were wet. And the instigator was Han Jin Nian, who was hugging the basin with a disdainful smile on his face.

"What are you doing?" She could not help but jump off the bed in frustration, her hands tightly clenched into fists.

Han Jin Nian didn't blame himself at all. Instead, he laughed out loud."You really look like a drowned rat. If I wasn't born a few years later than you, would you even have the chance to go to Emperor Inheritance High School? The school uniform is already there. If you dare to be late on the first day of school, you'll be finished!"

Han Jin Nian turned around and left after saying that.