Perhaps I Have Already Forgotten

The girls screamed and stood up from their seats one by one, running out of the classroom.

When Mo Yichen appeared at the classroom door, Han Jinchu's heart started to beat rapidly. It's him, he's here!

What should he do? What was she going to do? What was he doing here?

Mo Yichen looked around the classroom. All the people in the classroom were boys. There were only a few girls sitting in their seats. They were also looking at him with admiration. Han Jinchu was definitely not among the girls surrounding him.

He retracted his gaze. He was not in this class.

After a while, Han Jinchu finally dared to poke her head out from behind the curtains. Mo Yichen had already left and the classroom returned to its usual calm.

"What are you doing behind the curtains?" Yang Ying walked in from outside and glanced at her indifferently before sitting down.

"No, no. It was just that... Look at the scenery." She stammered as she walked out from behind the curtains.