You're Drawing Me, Can't I Look?

'The cicadas are the bells that are gradually counting down outside the window. The marks on the exam papers are the vines that are climbing up the tree. Has the butterfly I drew on your palm flown away?'

" The white clouds are the kites flying in the blue sky. Youth is us running on the field. Don't worry about getting hurt. Brave towards your dreams.'

An unexpected coincidence…

When Han Jinchu heard this song, he suddenly had an inspiration and edited the first draft to make it more perfect.

"Xia Yichen, thank you! You're simply my 'angel'!"


After Han Jinchu finished speaking, he suddenly realized that he had said something stupid and hurriedly said,""No, no, no. No, don't misunderstand me…I just... I just wanted to say that because of you, I feel very lucky…I mean, in my life, you're like a very, very important friend, brother, teacher..."

The more she spoke, the more confused she became. In the end, she was extremely embarrassed.
